Wrinkle Relaxers (Botox®, Dysport®)

Fine lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, we all get them - even in our twenties! Understandably, many of us don’t like these lines as they can make us look angrier, older or more tired than we actually feel. Genetics, time and sun exposure all contribute to wrinkles, but thankfully modern medicine offers remarkable ways to slow and even temporarily reverse those effects. 

With time, our skin loses hydration and elasticity (ability to bounce back after being stretched from stretchiness). With repeated movement and contraction of muscles over time...we get wrinkles. Wrinkle relaxers such as Dysport® and Botox® work by relaxing the muscles in the face. When the muscles are relaxed, the skin that lays on top is less contracted.  The result: you can prevent the formation of “permanent lines” and soften lines that have already formed. With continued use you can age gracefully with a youthful look unrivaled by your peers. 

Wrinkle relaxers are most commonly used on areas like the center of the forehead (sometimes known as “The Elevens”), upper forehead and around the eyes.  However, they are also used in a variety of other areas such around the lower face, mouth, neck and chin to improve the appearance of the skin here, as well.

Before your treatment

No major preparation is required. However, to minimize bruising we recommend you do not take aspirin (unless it’s prescribed by your doctor), NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin), fish oil the week before your appointment.  If these medications were prescribed by your doctor, do not stop them and please consult with your dermatologist.  Alcohol can thin your blood too; it helps to avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before your appointment. 

During the treatment

A tiny needle is used to inject the medication.  Using this tool and a gentle injection technique, the procedure is relatively painless. Treatments take about 15 minutes.


Great news! There is minimal downtime.  You may see a few little dots where the skin was poked or a little bleb of fluid (that goes down in about 30 minutes).  Occasionally there may be a small amount of bruising.  Most patients go back to their regular lives as soon as they leave the office.  We recommend you avoid heavy exercise,upside down movements (e.g. yoga, downward dog, handstands!) and air travel the day of your procedure. 


Results can take up to 2 weeks to appear and last 3-4 months.  We find our patients do best when they return for treatment before their skin fully returns to its original pre-treatment appearance.